Posted in My Mommyhood Chronicles

5 Things I Reaslised After Becoming a Mother

1. I can actually function without sleep.

I am someone who has always needed 8 hours of sleep anyhow and couldn’t go without it (until I got pregnant).

I thought I can handle a few nights of sleeplessness, like every mother does. How wrong I was, because I barely survived through that phase without losing my sanity. I felt like a zombie, yes a sleepless zombie roaming in the house. But I did survive, and realized I can function without my precious sleep.

2. I can have a meal in 2-5 minutes. 

Well, better call it gobble my food in 2-5 minutes. You see, I have always been a slow eater, I like to savour my meal and enjoy it.

All that changed after having my baby, now I have learnt to eat as fast as I can, because babies seem to time there crying, fussing, peeing or pooping, according to their mum’s mealtime or any other important task.

3. Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea is a luxury.

As they say, motherhood is a 24×7 job, and getting a little me time is almost impossible. I never knew a little me time and enjoying a simple cup of coffee, can be so difficult as I mentioned in  this  post.

4.  Constant worrying is a part of motherhood.

I have always been a carefree spirit until I entered motherhood, now worrying has become a part of nature like; did my baby ate enough? Is he warm enough? Is he cold? What if he misses a growing up milestone?….the list is endless.

5. It’s OK to feel frustrated and exhausted.

A tired, sleepless person can’t be happy and bubbly right? And it’s perfectly alright. I refuse to feel guilty about it. I have my good and bad days as a mother, and I am satisfied with that.

So, these are few things I realised after becoming a mother.

When I see my little angel smile at me, and those tiny arms reach for me with all the love and trust in the world, I feel it’s all worth it.



I am an avid reader, and an aspiring writer.

4 thoughts on “5 Things I Reaslised After Becoming a Mother

  1. Motherhood is one of the most precious gift given by nature to a female species here I just don’t mean human.
    The pains and efforts taken by a mother in raising her baby is just matchless.
    My mother didn’t lactate when I was born and still she feels bad about it. Most of her time was spent in sterilising my milk bottles and silicone nipples. Then preparing milk properly from condensed milk powder….I think it’s more difficult as compared to a lactating women She says I was an early sleeper and early riser…though I didn’t trouble her too much in the night she used to feed me with milk bottle twice or thrice during the nights.

    Still she remains awake during the whole night when I suffer from fever.

    A mother’s tiredness and pain wears off when she sees her baby happy and playful.

    Very nicely expressed thoughts of a mother …hats off to you dear sister Poorvi.😊

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